What are methods to convert hard water into soft water?

A soft water is a water which makes a good foaming solution with soap making cleaning action of soap good. On the other hand, hard water decreases the cleaning action of water. It is necessary to convert hard water into the soft water to make it more useful. In order to remove water hardness, we need to know the reason of hardness which is produced by calcium and magnesium ions with bicarbonate ion making it temporary hard while the presence of calcium and magnesium ions with sulphate and chloride ions will produce permanent hardness in water. San Antonio Commercial water filtration tells some methods for removal of water hardness mentioned below.                                     
 Well, temporary hardness may be removed by boiling it. In this way, soluble calcium and magnesium bicarbonates are converted into insoluble calcium and magnesium carbonates making it soft. Clark's method is another method for removal of temporary hardness in which slaked lime is used to convert it into soft water. While talking about permanent hardness, it can be only removed by chemical methods such as treating with washing soda or an ion exchange method. Ion exchange method consists of ion exchange resin like sodium zeolite. In this way, all calcium or magnesium ions will be exchanged by sodium present in sodium zeolite making water free from ions that are responsible for the hardness of water. In this way, hard water is converted into soft water.                                       


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